How Will Brands Adapt to the Now-Consumers?

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2 min readFeb 2, 2022

Last year marked a turning point in how brands perceived their consumers, especially when the latter are outspoken about their needs and expectations.

With over half a billion more people using social media worldwide than at the same time last year, brands need to prepare to meet a new type of audience.

It will be more difficult for marketers and brand managers to develop strategies in advance and expect them to perform well. Sudden market changes occur on a whim, and brands have to react quickly if they are to survive, and even if they do, they have to adapt to their brand image, voice and persona.

It really is: the “now” consumer era.

The effects and consequences of Covid-19 and people working from home for longer periods have resulted in consumers placing greater demands on brands on social media. For example, today’s consumers are less likely to wait for your brand to react — once the time has passed, it’s too late.

The attention-based economy requires brands to be proactive rather than reactive.

It is important to be ahead of the curve. Consumers today are more aware of their impact on brand messages and overall business. As a result, consumers have raised their expectations of brands and put enormous pressure on them to deliver a superior customer experience.

The TikTok channel is rapidly gaining popularity, other content like Instagram is not the same as it was years ago. The material must be educational, informative, entertaining and, most importantly, all-encompassing.

Consumers expect more “personal content, faster service, a better overall experience, and they want it all — now.” Consumers renegotiate the terms of their interaction with brands, how?

Unite their voices. Brands can listen to once-silent voices and social media users are active participants in the conversation — a driving force that can not be ignored. We will see how it will develop and adapt.

It’s an exciting year ahead of us — no doubt!

