Nano- and Micro-Influencers are the Future

Society icon
3 min readMar 30, 2022


When it comes to influencer marketing, it feels most conceivable to hire a creator who has hundreds of thousands of followers who will market your product, right?

Not really.

Investing in smaller influencers, either nano (up to 5,000 followers) or micro (under 10,000), at scale will give you more value for what you spend your money on. While more traditional influencers experience that their range decreases, the population of the smaller influencers increases.

Being between 1,000 and 10,000 is considered the key.


Because nano- and micro-influencers have a smaller audience, they also have a closer relationship with their followers, seen as a peer rather than an unattainable ideal. Since studies show that 70% of Gen Y consumers are influenced by recommendations from their peers in purchasing decisions, this can easily be translated into sales. Not only do small influencers have significantly more conversations per week about buying recommendations compared to the average consumer, but their audience is more likely to believe them when they market a product that they actually love. Chances are good that you’re even their first sponsored or talented post.

User-generated content

If your company has not started with UGC — then it’s time! Make sure you create a hashtag that feels unique to your brand and encourage your customers to use it to be more visible on your social channels. It may be that you send with the hashtag in connection with you sending out an order or an email where you urge customers to use your unique hashtag. Do not forget to check-in posts that you are tagged in to specify where the products come from.

Brand enthusiasm

At the end of the day, nano and micro influencers are more like regular people than seasoned influencers balancing their daily lives through social media. This usually gets them excited and excited to try your product and share it with their friends. They are also masters at UGC, creating relevant and authentic content for your brand to share.


This is where the large-scale deployment of nano and micro-influencer strategies comes into play. Since these influencers are often happy to post products in exchange for gifts rather than expecting payment, it becomes easy to leverage a variety of influencers and maximize your reach.

Building future brand ambassadors

Giving nano and micro influencers at scale allows brands to build and nurture influencer relationships that lead to long-term collaborations. This investment by marketers and influencers leads to true brand advocates. After all, you took the time to build your brand into what it is today. It deserves the time and care of an influencer who is as passionate about it as you are.

At Society icon, we can connect you with a wide range of influencers through our platform to give your brand or product a greater social media presence, making nano- and micro-influencers small but powerful in your overall marketing strategy.

